Earthrise Spirulina Natural Powder 454 Grams(PURTYLIFE)

CAD 93.99

Suggested Dose: Take 1 teaspoon (3 grams) per day. Mix with juice or a smoothie.

Purity: Naturally & Ecologically friendly grown in California, USA, 100% Vegetarian, with No Pesticides or Herbicides.

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EAN: 032602450051 SKU: 032602450051 Category:


Spirulina Natural Source of Vitamin A for maintenance of immune function and good health. It helps to maintain eyesight and healthy skin.

For people to fight stress and to optimize health. Scientific and clinical studies show Spirulina Natural® protects the heart and brain from oxidative stress while supporting a healthy immune system.* Use Earthrise Spirulina and feel the energy, vitality and well being.

Spirulina may help Promote Immune Health, Protect Heart & Brain from Oxidative Stress, Promote a Healthy Inflammatory Response; it provides Powerful Antioxidant Protection & More than 60% Easy-to-Digest Vegetable Protein.

Spirulina naturally contains: Phycocynain (Super Blue Antioxidant Unique to Spirulina), Chlorophyll and potent Beta-carotene Vitamin A,  Easily absorbed Iron, Essential Fatty Acids and Vegetarian Glycogen, Natural Vitamins and Minerals, Essential and Non-Essential Amino Acids.

Taking 2 servings of spirulina daily provides : equal benefits to 7+ servings of common fruits and vegetables in terms of antioxidant content (beta-carotene).

Spirulina is a blue-green algae that is high in nutrients and used as a food source since ancient times. Spirulina is a whole product of biological origin. It consists of the dried biomass of the cyanobacterium Arthrospira. Arthrospira are filamentous microscopic blue-green algae or cyanobacteria that occur abundantly in an almost uni-algal form in highly alkaline lakes with high pH. The high pH and alkalinity prevent other algae from growing and it is therefore grown outdoors virtually free of contamination by other algae.

The true taxonomic name of Spirulina has been revised recently. The edible forms of Spirulina are now called Arthrospira. The common species under commercial cultivation are Arthrospira platensis and Arthrospira maxima. The name Spirulina is now retained to describe the product and not the algae.

Spirulina contains the highest concentration of protein for any plant, herb or animal on a gram per gram basis. The amino acid content of its protein is very close to the WHO standard. Since Spirulina does not have a thick cell wall this protein is readily available.

Spirulina also contains some essential vitamins like Vitamin A (in the form of beta-carotene), Vitamin B12. It is also a very rare source of GLA (Gamma Linolenic Acid), an essential fatty acid. Moreover Spirulina is a good source of bio-available iron.

In addition to the above Spirulina also contains phytonutrients like phycocycanin and polysaccharides that have some potential health benefits.

There are many scientific studies that show that Spirulina has potential benefits in the areas of immunomodulation, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory protection, cardiovascular health, cellular protection, detoxification from heavy metals and drugs and probiotic effects. The bulk of the scientific evidence supports the immunomodulation and antioxidant effects and most of the other benefits are also indirectly related to these two effects.

Spirulina helps support immune function. In particular, it has been shown to promotes innate (inborn) immunity, the body’s first line of defense. In this regard it promotes macrophage function, T-cell proliferation and Natural Killer Cell activity. It is also important in the regulation of antibody production (acquired immunity). Spirulina has been shown to inhibit production of IgE and modulate inflammation. Recent studies also show that Spirulina promotes IgA production in the saliva thereby inactivating foreign bodies and toxins found in food. (Mao et al., 2005; Hirahashi et al., 2002; Belay, 2002, Gershwin & Belay, 2007).

A Spirulina health benefit is helping improve antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. Spirulina contains phytonutrients that have strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. These antioxidants support cellular health by protecting cells from the damaging effects of reactive oxygen radicals. Such an oxidative stress that is a result of normal or abnormal metabolism, is known to damage cell membranes and DNA (the master molecule that programs all cellular structure and function) thereby negatively changing the structure and function of the cell. The other consequence of such damaging radicals is premature aging. The phytonutrients in Spirulina have been shown to have similar antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects to those obtained from eating certain fruits and vegetables. (Gemma et al., 2002; Belay, 2002, Gershwin & Belay 2007)

The most telling biochemical marker is the content of Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA) that is virtually absent in other species of blue-green algae. Genuine Arthrospira strains have a significant proportion of γ-linolenic acid (GLA), no α-linolenic acid (ALA), a low content of 16:1 fatty acids and a very low content of 16:2 fatty acids. (Cohen and Vonshak 1991; Cohen et al. 1995).

The blue pigment, phycocyanin can be used to differentiate blue-green algae products from green and other algae like Chlorella, Dunalliela and Hematococcus. Since this pigment is also found in other species of blue-green algae, it cannot be used to differentiate Spirulina from other species of blue-green algae though Spirulina tends to have higher content of phycocyanin.


Each Serving (3 grams) Contains:
Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) 3 g
Vitamin A(100% as beta-carotene) 5.4 mg

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Weight 876 g

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