CAD 35.99


format thumbSoftgels

60 Softgels


One capsule with a meal, once a day, unless otherwise directed by a health care practitioner.


If you are undergoing chemotherapy treatment, do not take iron supplements without the advice of your health care provider. Do not self diagnose, please consult your health care professional.

Available on backorder

EAN: 773726030872 SKU: 773726030872 Category:



For most people, EasyIron is generally gentle and non-constipating. However some people are extremely sensitive to iron, especially those with a history of irregular bowel movements. For those few, Platinum Naturals introduces EasyIron E.G. (Extra Gentle). EasyIron E.G. contains half the amount of iron (9mg) of the original EasyIron formula (18mg), but still contains all of the beneficial co-factors (Folic Acid, Vitamins B6, B12, and Vitamin C) PLUS added Copper and Zinc for an increased synergistic effect. [LICAPS]

1 Licap Contains:
Other ingredients: Cold Pressed Olive Oil, GMO Free Soy Lecithin, Bees WaxCapsule Materials: hypromellose (from wood pulp) and water
What is Easy Iron?

EasyIron is a revolutionary product designed to help build healthy blood cells and reduce the risk of certain birth defects in pregnant women. It contains Ferrochel (a better absorbing form of iron), methylcobalamin (a better utilized form of B12), and folic acid, and is suspended in cold-pressed olive oil for improved absorption and stability. Simply put, EasyIron is easy to take, easy to swallow, easy to absorb, and most importantly, it helps to make healthy blood cells.How Do I Know If I’m Iron Deficient?

Some of the first symptoms of iron deficiency are fatigue, irritability, and general tiredness. Iron deficiency may also have a detrimental affect on learning ability, endurance, and general well-being. It is difficult to test for iron deficiency because it is stored in different organs and is released into the blood stream as required. Thus, a blood test for iron levels cannot detect loss of iron stores until there is significant iron depletion from the various organs. When this occurs, your general well-being may be compromised.

Another clue to iron deficiency is feeling cold when others are not. A study conducted on iron-deficient women showed that iron supplementation improved their ability to tolerate cold temperatures.

The groups that are at a higher risk of being iron deficient are pre-menopausal women, pregnant and nursing women, growing children, seniors over 65 years of age, vegetarians, athletes and patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment.

Too Much Iron?

Your body has the ability to adjust how much iron is absorbed based on your body’s needs. Thus, a child and a pregnant woman will absorb iron at a higher rate than an average, healthy adult. According to Shari Lieberman Ph.D., The Real Vitamin and Mineral Book, 75 mg of daily intake of iron is not likely to be toxic in healthy adults. Some studies have found that too much iron may increase the risk of heart disease. Equally, there are studies that show no increased risk. Each capsule of EasyIron contains 18 mg of iron, well within safe levels but enough to be effective. Some health experts recommend those with high iron intake, i.e., frequent red meat and organ meat eaters, take antioxidant supplements.

Iron Alone May Be Insufficient

Your body requires iron, folic acid, and B12 to make healthy blood cells. Yet most popular brands of iron do not contain B12 and folic acid, even though vitamin B12 — a general label for a group of essential biological compounds known as cobalamins — is structurally related to hemoglobin in the blood and is essential to treating anemia.

Why you should take an iron supplement?

Iron is a key nutrient your body needs to make hemoglobin – a protein in your red blood cells that carries oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body.

The most common condition associated with inadequate red blood cell production is called Iron-Deficiency Anemia, which occurs because of the cells’ reduced capacity for carrying oxygen.

The World Health Organization reports that between 66-80% of the world’s population may be iron deficient and that over 30% are anemic mainly due to iron deficiency.

  • Easy To Absorb Iron
  • Easy On The Stomach
  • Does Not Constipate
  • Only One Capsule Daily
  • Vegetarian Friendly

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Weight 64 g

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